Thursday, August 19, 2010

Art Walk

I just got home from a fun night at Art Walk, a montly event in Spartanburg at which all the local galleries open their doors, serve refreshments, and show off newly arrived artwork and exhibitions. The Co-op (that's the West Main Artists Co-op, at which I have a studio, and of which I am an original member, ha ha!!) had a terrific turnout. The 2nd Tier members (that sounds bad, but it really just means that they are exhibiting, non-studio members) had their inaugural exhibition, and USC UpState's first WMAC scholarship recipient, Chris Turner, presented his solo exhibition. It was great to see the galleries full of terrific art and art admirers!

My Red Brooch is on display at the Carolina Gallery in downtown Spartanburg as part of the Artists Guild of Spartanburg's 37th Annual Juried Exhibition. I was so happy to see it on the wall of the gallery and very proud that it is part of such a well-curated, innovative, and contemporary collection of art.

The photograph of the brooch here is from Eli Warren Photography. Anyone in the area who is looking for a great art/product photographer should check Eli's work out.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some Updates

It's been a rather busy summer. The 2010 Bele Chere Festival in Asheville, NC, has (thankfully) come and gone. It was ridiculously hot and although the crowds were huge, sales were hilariously bad! At least there was a nice cold pool at the hotel.

The one dividend of low sales was that I had enough leftover inventory to send off to the two new locations at which I'm consigning my jewelry: Zuzu Studio Gallery in Collingswood, NJ, and Tilde in Portland, OR. Check them out if you're in the neighborhood!

I am now in the process of applying for my first grant. I have no idea what I'm doing! I've been inspired by the local history and architecture here in Spartanburg and want to try and capture a bit of it in a series of new pieces. The county was once home to many textile mills. The mills closed one by one as work was sent overseas, leaving entire communities jobless and buildings abandoned. Although there has been some very recent regrowth, I think that the general economic downturn leaves a pervasive sense of tragedy in the region. I have a number of ideas swirling around in my head for the new pieces and want to try incorporating some new techniques and materials into them.

Tangentially related to the project is this ring - a prototype featuring folded copper and bloom of steel nails.